禾原网刊:http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2638702942 闽南小镇长大,北大中文系本科及研究生毕业,出国后打过各种杂工,现从事电脑编程。 中、短篇作品发表于海内外报刊百万字。散文获海内外奖项,选入教材,入围世界华文百家,收入多种选集。小说荣获汉新文学首奖(2013年);《佳思地77号》 被搬上英文银幕;收入多种选集。诗歌列入海外新移民诗群。近期小说英文版发表于美国英文杂志上。诗歌英文版发表于印度英文杂志上。 出版长篇小说、作品集、散文选集、诗集及文学评论集。文学旅程载入江少川的《海外华裔作家访录》。......

相信,不相信 (英文版)

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-30 08:21:00 / 个人分类:英文


I like the poem very much. So I did a translation for it. Is it ok for me to share it with others? I think my friends would love it...

My dear brother, Thank you so much! It’s a great translation and I am deeply moved by my original Chinese version, by your English version, by the way you interpret it and that you are willing to do it. It’s yours and you are free to share it.  Thank you Immanuel and Best Regards!


相信,不相信 -  Translated by Immanuel (曼牛)翻译

To  Believe, Or Not

I can’t  believe in light
  if I have not journeyed through the night

I can’t believe in crookedness
  if I have not hoped for straightness

I can’t promise to offer you a jiffy
  if I can’t grant you all eternity

Don’t know why
  I am still here talking about love
I can’t even offer you a cup of tea
   or add a blanket on you
      when you call me
I can’t even offer you a strand of comfort
  through the distances
     when you think of me

Yet I do hear
  the rolling thunders from afar and above
So fear not, and fret not
  for in every cell of yours resides my very being
     and power

Oh, how I look back
  to behold the beloved land where I was born:
My love, wait for me
The day is coming , when I will wear
  a wreath of lilies and roses
    perfumed with the aroma of cloud and dirt
And I will hold you in my arms as my beloved bride
  waiting eagerly to be married


中文版原诗: 相信,不相信








:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)

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