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上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-05-20 04:15:11



在读最新的萧红传记-- 《漂泊者萧红》。真的很不习惯。也许习惯了西人的传记写法,看这种虚构又不是虚构,传记又很没样子的东东,真是生气的。文艺腔,我会自己吃饭开始,就被强灌的那种革命文艺腔,用在萧红这种人身上,真是矫情到让人要呕。在传记中的很多对话,很多往事,明显是从各种版本的萧红传记,萧红自己的著作里来的线索,但是用引号引出,活灵活现的,还加上当场人物的表情口气等等的描述,实在难以容忍。当然不可以对作者作纯学术的要求,但是,也不要那么假好不好呢? 如果是fictional 的,我怎么会捧场呢?


好,我正好还抓了一本《契可夫的一生》传记中译本,是被杀害于奥斯维辛集中营的俄国犹太女作家伊莱纳-内米洛夫斯基用法文写就的。我要对比来看--- 当然,得依赖翻译,这里面又难判断了。我读过中译本的弗吉妮娅-沃尔芙的传记,不满意的。


非常感谢慧琦推荐的美国已故存在主义心理学派大师 James F. Bugental 的经典之一 《IntimateJourneys   ---  Stories from Life-Changing Therapy》。 真好! 可读性太强了,心理学大师记写的他亲历的五个病人的诊治过程,文笔非常文学,引人入胜,学到很多东西。大师不久前以九十多岁高龄去世,不到几个月,他七十多岁的遗孀随之而去。慧琦约了跟他们喝茶的,却没等到那日子。

这几天,牛在弄他的“小作者”Project 。他们学校在孩子们五岁时就开始要求他们写了。一年年我收着,看着他的故事在变化,有意思的。 是要求虚构的,这是他刚完成的一篇。我觉得太短了,但他的TONE ,故事的逻辑性,用词等,跟去年比,确实老道了。朋友看了说,怎么好象你呢,dark, insecure.  啊?!!



Robert's Quandrary

By : 牛


Our story begins with young Robert, A timid boy ten years of age with a woeful appearance.

His skin was pale, his face covered with freckles, and short and plump. He was so diminutive that if

Let us take a little peek into his life, shall we?

Inside his home, you could imagine how a person always had something to do. There were toys by the shelf, gathering dust, computers, CD players, A large TV, any much more, long neglected. Richard himself was knee deep in self pity. He sits


you looked at him you could swear that you were watching a man grow backwards. His intellect was unrefined. No one understood him. Nobody cared. He never went to social gatherings, nor did he come in contact with anybody if he didn't have to. Some said that he was more shy than anybody should have allowed to be.

By the window in his spare time, watching the other kids play. He was downright miserable. His parents were rich, young, daring entrepreneurs. They were almost always at business meetings, appointments with clients, and you could imagine the rest. The only other person there would often be his nanny, who offered little support. His father often remarked“We don't know what went wrong with him.”

Skipping forward, we now see young Robert at school, enjoying lunch alone. When suddenly...

“Have a nice lunch?” Mocked Oscar. Oscar, along with his partner Bill. Oscar, along with Bill were the school bullies.

As Oscar spilled Robert's food all over the floor, Bill was mocking him with Discriminatory insults. As the school bell rang. Robert helplessly cleaned up the mess.

When he got home, he trotted straight up to his room and resumed His observation of the other kids again. His longing was overwhelming him. He could take it no longer. He had to act.

There was a door. What was behind that door was something no one knew. Robert vowed to go in there. When he reviled his proposition, no one believed he would live up to it .

As he entered the room, Oscar and Bill came up and slammed the door. Just then, a bottle of red food coloring spilled from the top shelf. Robert looked for the sound of the crash. Much to his dismay, he could not see anything, so he grabbed a flashlight from a shelf and peered around. He realized it was a supply closet. But just then, he saw the red food coloring. He screamed in terror and shock. The students outside were just as scared. But just then, he realized that he had just braved the fear of so many.

As he came outside, the students asked him what he saw in there, he replied: “it was the principal's dead body”

Everybody screamed, Much to Robert's delight.

He knew he was not going to be teased anytime soon.








:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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